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Description[ | ]

The Whale Carcass is a type of Civilization and is found at the end of the Dark Depths. Sentient Lampreys populate the Whale Carcass and, rarely, you will be able to recruit a Meat Golem.
It is a large, rotting whale carcass with a large hole in its side, exposing the now hollow interior and the remaining bones. The hole is possibly a result of an explosion caused by the buildup of gas caused by the decomposition process taking place inside it.

The following are the NPCs found in the Whale Carcass.

Sentient Lampreys[ | ]

Sentient Lamprey



The Sentient Lampreys are the dwellers of the Whale Carcass.

Description[ | ]

The Sentient Lampreys are humanoid, sexually dimorphic jawless fish with 4 eyes and a fleshy growth from the male's head (the esca or illicium), which acts as a lure; and the female being slightly larger, darker and lacking an illicium, which suggests they do not hunt like the males and are instead adapted for constant reproduction, suggested by their distended, egg-filled bellies. They live in the Whale Carcass, which they use as a partial food source and as a nest. They are surprisingly cheery, but have a strange obsession with Blobfish, which they like to keep as pets, and can be very rude to travelers. Additionally, their children, the Baby Lampreys, lack the limbs found in the adults, as well as their intelligence. This suggests they undergo metamorphosis at some point in their lives, which make them develop their brains, as well as grow an illicium and two arms.

Behavior[ | ]

When they first see a player, they will do a little dance. They will stand in their positions and if a player interacts with them, they will talk with the player using their native language, which can be translated by the Translation Book. If they are attacked or robbed, they will chase the players and repeatedly bite them, dealing heavy damage and Blood Sickness if it connects, and may invade the submarine if you try to escape. They are capable of destroying doors, meaning even your own ship will not be safe if you decide to attack them. Additionally, they are capable of swimming, which makes it even harder to escape them.

Tactics[ | ]

The Dynamite is the best item to use if you want to kill the Sentient Lampreys and steal their goods. If no dynamite is available, large crews with healing items may be able to tank their damage and kill them.

Dialogue[ | ]

  • What?
  • Sorry, say that again?
  • Oh, you want directions.
  • The only direction I can give, is to not go down.
  • Everyone knows there somethin' down there!
  • Uhh... Rumor has it some sort of sea behemoth.
  • Well it's a rumor, so you know it's true!

  • Dontcha try anyfin funny...
  • Get it? 'Cause I said "fin" instead of thing.
  • Because I have a fin, mate!
  • I do mean it though, I've got my eyes on you.
  • ...

  • Oy…
  • You mates look as ailed as one of ‘em sick angler fish.
  • Not much you can do to avert one of those suckers.
  • ‘Splodes out li'l baby lampreys, they do, once you shoot ‘em down!
  • Which reminds me....
  • Think of the children! Don't shoot 'em, yeah?

  • Say!
  • What big heads you have!
  • Bet you lot store all kinds of information in there.
  • Which leads me to ask...
  • Do you know where I could find a blob fish?
  • Uh, er... Well it's for a friend. I would never ask such a thing.
  • My friends name? Uh... Hmm... Uhh...
  • ...

  • Hey there, Travelers!
  • We don't get the likes of you here very often.
  • Anyway, you should take a look in our market before you take off.
  • ...
  • Or don't?
  • What does it matter to me?
  • Move along.

  • Oy!
  • You lot seem to have low morale.
  • Healthiest way to deal with that, would be to spend some money!
  • Luckily for you mates, we happen to have a shop.
  • Go on!
  • Buy something to turn that frown upside down!

  • Oy! You!
  • Yes, you!
  • Got any blob fish?
  • Y'know, the squashed decrepit looking creatures?
  • They make fine pets, I hear.
  • You're right, they are hideous...
  • But so much so that I'd dare call them charming...
  • ...

  • Well, hello there.
  • You travelers look... Experienced!
  • Come across any cuddlesome blob fish?
  • Er... No reason of course.
  • I was just wondering!
  • Nosy creatures you are.

  • Oy sailors!
  • I've a riddle for you.
  • What's top heavy, dense, and will never be loved?
  • ...
  • You!
  • Ha!
  • Was a good one, that was!

  • Oy!
  • Are you giving me the stink eye?
  • I'm asking because I literally cannot tell.
  • ...
  • Don't be mad, mate!
  • Some of us are just born ugly...

  • Oy!
  • What happened to your heads, mates?
  • I've seen some other creatures that look like you...
  • Yeah, passed through 'bout a month ago.
  • They won't be returnin' though.
  • There's something creepin' in the deep there, aye.
  • Mind you, they looked a lot more toned than you bunch.

  • Oy mates!
  • I've a joke for you!
  • Why did the lamprey let the little cyclops live?
  • 'Cause the cyclops gave him a blob fish!
  • 'Course it makes sense!
  • They make good companions, those blob fish.
  • You lot wouldn't know a good joke if it hit ya!
  • Well, it's about ta hit ya if you don't move along!
  • ...

  • Oy!
  • I bet you all could settle this debate I've been having with my mum.
  • On a scale one through ten -
  • Wait why are you laughing?
  • Oh, it's because I said scale, and I as a lamprey, have scales.
  • You lot think you're clever, don't you?
  • Well you can just forget it.
  • ...

  • *coughing*
  • Don't mind me, think I'm just a little ill.
  • Eel? Eel? I didn't say eel, I said ILL!
  • Yes, haha, laugh it up, you buffoons!
  • Think you're funny, don't you?
  • Scram, you little quipsters!

  • You there! Yes, you!
  • What is a lamprey's favorite color?
  • Teal you say?
  • Ohh, tEEL. You're so "funny".
  • The answer is purple, because we are purple.
  • You're no fun to tell jokes to at all.
  • Leave me be.

  • Hey!
  • What are you staring at?
  • This mouth is considered beautiful among my people.
  • You've no room to judge you unsightly creatures!
  • Scram, get outta here!
  • I've heard enough outta you...

  • What you lookin' at my mouth for?
  • If you think my chops are big, wait till you see one of'em Goblin Sharks.
  • They'll poke a hole right through your vessel, they will!
  • Could very well jab right into one of yer mates!

  • Knock it off!
  • Didn't your mum tell you staring is impolite?
  • Do you want to have a go at it?
  • Go on, hit me.
  • See what happens!
  • That's what I thought...

  • Ahhh.
  • If only they could see how beautiful they are.
  • Just wait till you see our protectors down below.
  • Yes, “protectors,” with an “S.” Plural.
  • As in more than one.
  • Are you daft?

  • Oy!
  • Your large lumpy heads...
  • You must be perceptive or somethin’ right?
  • Rumors been spreadin’ of the guardians beneath.
  • You see, some think that they’re real great.
  • But me, they give me the creeps.
  • You should go down there.. And uhh…
  • Do a little clean up.
  • Know what I mean?

  • Oy!
  • Better watch yourselves below.
  • They may be blind, but one of ‘em…
  • Can predict the FUTURE.
  • Huh?
  • Yeah I got some evidence for ya buddy.
  • It’s called RUMORS.
  • Ugh. I’m done speaking to you now!
  • Be gone, you top heavy oafs!

  • Oy!
  • You folks look a little too cheery.
  • Let me dampen your spirit a smidge!
  • I’m sure you’ve already heard the rumors.
  • I hear tell that the sightless was not born so.
  • What, or shall I say, WHO, made it that way?
  • If you ask me-
  • Don’t interrupt!
  • If you ask me, the Seer seems awfully suspicious.

  • You's no friend to us!
  • OI! Get back here!
  • Don't try to run now!
  • I'll tear you to pieces mate!
  • You won't escape us!

  • Lamprey Elder[ | ]

    Lamprey Elder
    Health(int.) 320

    The Lamprey Elder is the Doctor of the Whale Carcass.

    Description[ | ]

    The Lamprey Elder is a male Lamprey of very old age, that appears to have developed Glaucoma, judging by their eyes, and that have lost all their teeth, leaving their gums exposed and sligtly inflamed. Weirdly, he has taken a Snail shell and attached it to his back, possibly as a way to better protect himself, as his greatest means of defense - his teeth - are long gone. His old age, however, made him much wiser than his brethren and as he is capable of practicing medicine, although he seems to use rather unconventional techniques.

    Behavior[ | ]

    When he first hears a player, he will do a little dance. He will stand in his position and if a player interacts with him, he will talk with the player using his native language, which can be translated by the Translation Book, and will instantly heal the player, restoring their health and curing any Afflictions. If he or his brethren are attacked or robbed, they will chase the players and repeatedly bite or claw at them, dealing heavy damage and Blood Sickness if the attack connects, and may invade the submarine if you try to escape. They are capable of destroying doors, meaning even your own ship will not be safe if you decide to attack them. Additionally, they are capable of swimming, which makes it even harder to escape them.

    Tactics[ | ]

    The Dynamite is the best item to use if you want to kill the Sentient Lampreys and steal their goods. If no dynamite is available, large crews with healing items may be able to tank their damage and kill them.

    Dialogue[ | ]

    • You look sickly.
    • Allow me to suckle your sickness away.

  • Would you be interested in some free... treatment?
  • Huh? What do you mean this seems fishy?
  • ...Oh.

  • Let me suck your blood away.
  • Wait, no! I'll suck your afflictions away, that's what I meant!
  • *slurping noises*

  • Can I interest you in some medical attention?
  • It's... "experimental".
  • Don't ask questions.

  • I may be toothless, but I can still tear you apart, mate!
  • I've been through many a fight before!
  • I fear my age much more than worms like you!
  • If you wish to die, I have no choice but to oblige!

  • Meat Golem[ | ]

    Meat Golem
    Health(int.) 15

    The Meat Golem is a recruitable NPC rarely found in the Whale Carcass.

    Description[ | ]

    The Meat Golem is a golem made out of whale meat and bones twisted and shaped into a humanoid form, and that was presumably created by the Sentient Lampreys. It is unknown what brings them to life, although its not unheard of mysterious forces bringing inanimate objects to life in The Living Infinite. In addition, it also resembles the Meat Idol Relic, which has also been created by the Lampreys.

    Behavior[ | ]

    Once recruited, they will join the crew with a pipe wrench and will be able to do many tasks, such as repairing breaches, attacking invading enemies or enemies inside caves or using the Submarine's Turret. Similarly to Crew Bots, they can be instructed through the use of the Command Wheel to order them to do specific tasks.

    Trivia[ | ]

    • This whole Civilization could be a nod to the game Ocean Hunter, a shooting game where two explorers battle hundreds of different sea monsters: one of these enemies are lampreys, slithering out of a rotting whale carcass.
    • The Sentient Lampreys constantly reference blobfish and how they make for great pets, however none are seen inside their civilization. A certain Relic, however, might explain what truly happens to the few unfortunate blobfish they manage to capture.

    Description Dark Depths
    Enemies Roaming Enemies Angler Fish (Sick) •  Baby Lamprey •  Blobfish •  Camopus •  Goblin Shark •  Grenadier •  Lure (Awakened Mode only) •  Macrourus
    Cave Enemies Clam •  Snail •  Snail Mound •  Stargazer
    Submarine Interior Enemies Blobfish
    Boss The Sightless
    Obstacles Bobbit Worm •  Seaweeds
    Civilization Hub Whale Carcass
    Dwellers Sentient Lampreys •  Lamprey Elder
    Recruit Meat Golem
    Related Affliction(s) Drowning Sea Sickness
    Other Blood Sickness